Thread: Mod Agartha summons
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Old November 28th, 2009, 07:17 PM
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Default Re: Agartha summons

1)good idea, but a that means art from zeroes. and a drunken, one eyed, handless monkey could teach me how to draw.
2)there is only one blood/earth elemental, i'll prefer to keep it that way; death could be used.
3)nice idea, i was thinking about frozen earth elemental, i'll try to se what i can do
4)ah, the kind of suggestion i love: easy to write, so obvious i should have thought it by myself and without drawing so i don't have to pay that greed monkey!
Why you are not encouraging the direction this mod has gone? just post your ideas, comments and criticism! "the more the merrier"

now is time for bad news: real life told me i should be studing, as it will be exam's time soon, sor agartha's summons will take a break (no more new modified photos, just code)
plus i have some ideas going around for next enhancing, if just i could rent that book...
Please, do not pretend me to draw, the one-eyed, armless, drunken monkey who is teaching me to draw says i will never be able to.

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