Alrighty, Trumanator gave some feedback in the "Sign of the Hammer" game. I decided to mreply to that stuff in this thread so that other people can comment on it.
Originally Posted by Trumanator
Brettonia: While of course llamabeast will have the best overall view of things, I will still make a few observations. First, freespawn archers are perhaps a bit much, particularly against Skaven. Second, having what amounts to an income and resource independent recruitment is a difficult thing to balance. It might have been interesting to see how they might have done had llama been able to recruit damsels in his cap every turn for a respectable research.
Yeah, I can see how the peasant (note however that the archers aren't freespawn, expect as a very rare Lord domsummon) spam could have decimated you since you were playing with a nation that has really sucky recruitable troops, allowing Breton to overwhelm you. However there are many factors at stake here, like Llamabeasts sucky start, lack of gold and so forth. Ultimately, his peasant spam was a sub-optimal stragedy and he lost. I'm not really concerned about a clearly losing stragedy being very unbalancing.
Although you have a point about the summons being a bit problematic. You can easily concentrate on the spam in the beginning and simply overwhelm one player by literally drowning them in chaff. But I really can't see it working in the long-term, it's bit like double blessing EA Oceania in that aspect. You might win in the early game but you will simply be decimated in mid/late game when the chaff doesn't serve any purpose expect cost upkeep and make your armies more vulnerable to "flee kills" with their weak morale.
However, I'd be really intrested to hear more opinions on the matter (which is the balance of the peasant summons in MP).