You pre-empted my plans for a turn (I was waiting for ONE more thing to happen

) but I think some circumstances need to be brought to light...
So I'd say around midgame, right about when Ermor's short-lived ascension happened, Iainuki and I made an agreement to share endgame victory given our amicable relation since an early-game alliance. We were pretty middle-of-the-pack back then, with me locked in a stalemate with Tien Chi and her suffering losses against R'lyeh.
Nations changed hands, MP noobs were enlightened (so I realized this meta-strategy is... unconventional at the least, blasphemy at the worst), circumstances differed greatly... and while I think I am significantly better positioned at this point I would still like to honor this agreement, pending approval from the surviving players. And if not, we can always defeat the rest of y'alls and then call it amongst us two.