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Old December 7th, 2009, 09:59 AM
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Default Re: Forge of Godhood - started

The war on four fronts begins to take its toll even on the forces of fair Pangaea. C'tis has all but been knocked out (just their pretender left, and I finally got enough manikin to the front to take care of her next battle) though, and R'lyeh has just one army left (Ether warriors!) which will be dealt with next turn). Agartha has rejoined the fray with two massive armies (I guess they are running low on money and have to do *something*) and will prove a hard nut to crack (happily Pangaea has three decent sized armies in the area, so it will be a guessing game at who hits whome and where ).

Can't say this game has had a quiet lull for me, non-stop 100% action all the time on all fronts
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