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Old December 10th, 2009, 08:26 PM

Omnirizon Omnirizon is offline
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Default Re: Terrible Player.

I think what's consuming all your money is spending it on 125 PD and fortresses.

It is generally agreed that hiring a cap only mage EVERY turn, starting as soon as you have the money to do so, is the best option. Don't forego buying these mages to build forts until you can afford to hire a mage and build a fort. MAGES ARE YOUR LIFEBLOOD. Pound for pound, they get you more than anything else.

Skeli-spam is actually an effective and easy tactic, so I can't believe you can't get it to work. What is really strange is that you know about the skeli-spam tactic, and are still putting 125 PD and building forts in every province. Any player that knows enough to know what 'skeli-spam' is would have figured out enough to not buy 125 PD or build forts in every province.

I'm a bit tempted to call troll here.

But at any rate, buy more mages, build less forts/less PD. three 2D mages will produce what? at least 45 longdead in before passing out?
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