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Old December 10th, 2009, 08:57 PM

Iry Iry is offline
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Default Re: Terrible Player.

I'll definitely give a try to buying a capital mage every single turn, but how do you keep down the massive upkeep of maintaining that many mages?

Skeli-spam does work on a military level, but getting it to work seems to cost massive upkeep that prevents me from doing other things. Infact, putting 125 into province PD is what seems to let the skeli-spam work because the mages have time to build up a massive force of skeletons while the enemy is whittling away the PD, and when I win I get to keep all the PD. I'm not defending the tactic, because I would like to stop needing so much PD, but I am explaining how I seem to use it.

As for your comment about knowing what Skeli-Spam is, I actually read several strategy guides in this forum and tried a few of the tactics before I decided to bother you all with a post. Most of the strategy goes over my head, honestly, but I do pick up a few gems here and there. I am unfamiliar with the call troll spell, though.
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