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Old December 14th, 2009, 04:39 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Terrible Player.

Well there are counters to every tactic.
the trick is not pound your head against the wall trying the same thing. Adapt.

a few comments.

Mictlan: Forget chaff. priest + 7 jags will take almost any indy. (AND YOU WANT TO).

If you run into something you think is too hard. It isn't.
Ok. The exceptions are deer archers. But if you really get nervous, use 2 groups of 7.

Sauromatia: You can't afford to expand with hydras, in ea.
build a dozen spearmen, and 30 -40 androphags. That will handle virtually anything.

You're still attacking way too slow, and giving the AI time to mass huge forces.

Yomi: don't sweat losing with yomi. But SP you should attempt to make SC's with the Dai Oni's.

Hint: My rule of thumb for acceptable MP play is *15* provinces conquered before the end of year 1.

You should have your first fort built, as well, and ideally a second one started.
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