I suspect there might be some angry mobs going on here now that I have rolled back. My appologies to all. I should have consulted with everyone here before I did it, but I thought i would be able to choose how to proceed anyway, so:
-Just roll back the turn to enable Jeff to get in. OR
-Continue to old game if this wasn't neccessary and people would have serious problems with rolling back.
Apparently this doesnt work like that and I hereby appologise for problems that might have rised with this rollback. Don't forget I am new to all this and while I am trying my best, errors happen.
Please be a sport an do not alter your orders because now you know the outcome of a possible battle fought previously. Just resub like you did. You wouldn't have the chance anyway when we did not roll back.
In future I will MAKE SURE I run things through you guys first. *bows*.
Please be a sport and continue like you did previously.