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Old December 16th, 2009, 03:02 PM
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Default Re: RUNNING: First Newbie game, let's discuss how we proceed here

Those that have resubmitted...if you havn't moved in the same way, then redo your turn and submit it. Minor things will be missed , but an attack or retreat will unbalance the game and may destroy it if you don't carry out the same turns (besides you may have a different outcome this time with the same turn)

This is on your honor and anybody that feels that they have been screwed because of another player (NOT an event where you didn't get gold or something) needs to go to the forum and lets straighten it out.

If anyone feels that its ok to just do whatever you want....let your opinion be known and why. I think we can all can figure out who stands to benifit the most from not reproducing the turn exactly and deal with it.

Speak up folks and let us know if you submitted it the same...
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