Re: Terrible Player.
because with a net encumbrance of 1, he can still fight for 20 turns before crits even start to become a problem.
plus, there are so many other things that can cause fatigue. H2+/H-2+ builds are not uncommon, swamp, Rigor Mortis, Heat from Hell, etc.
The 'net 0 enc' is only a reality in the early game, and if you can't have a battle in the bag in 20 turns in the early game, you probably arn't winning anyway.
Going from X9 to X10 cost, what? at least 60 points (assuming you started off with like 3 in that path). Thats a beneficial tip of a scale, and maybe an extra magic path, which would have much bigger benefits (a few extra Adons, for example; much better than a few less with 'net 0 enc').