Re: Updated Manual?
It should be noted that most of the CBM changes are "documented" very handily through the game UI, since spell effects/levels and unit costs (which make up the bulk of the changes) are clearly displayed. Items are a bit harder to determine since you can't call up a list of them as easily, but a simple test game solves that. The demand that there be out-of-game documentation in addition seems more like an excuse not to use CBM than a reason, but that's just my take on it.
Personally, I find out about most of the CBM changes that I COULD find out about by looking at the documentation (in or out of game) when I get stung by it in a game, not by actually looking at the docs. Which is pretty much the same process that I learned a good 85% of the vanilla game though, so it just pays to be able to roll with the punches.