Thread: Updated Manual?
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Old December 17th, 2009, 06:58 PM

Tollund Tollund is offline
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Default Re: Updated Manual?

Of the 70 games currently running on Llamaserver, at least 47 are using a version of the conceptual balance mod. Of the six games starting on Llamaserver, 4 are using CBM, one is mostly modded nations, and one is vanilla. There's a reason that the CBM is as popular as it is, and that is because the balance in the vanilla game is atrociously bad. This doesn't make vanilla a bad game, but it does mean that the CBM version is a better game than vanilla.

The only reason I can see for why people "badmouth" the vanilla game in many threads is because Gandalf constantly shows up and always tells people that they shouldn't be playing a modded game. It gets a little annoying after the dozenth time you read it.
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