Thread: Updated Manual?
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Old December 17th, 2009, 07:01 PM
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Default Re: Updated Manual?

I NEVER badmouth CBm! EVER!
I was a strong proponent of it from the start and took part in many of the conversations at its inception. I still think its one of the best mods we have going. For game balance in MP its definetly the winner hands-down.

I only dive in when someone tries to give the impression that all of the games use it. That seems to be an effort to create a fact by convincing everyone its true ahead of time. Ive seen many games converted to cbm games because the original poster was convinced that it was expected. QM doesnt push it that way anymore than I would push SingleAge as only way to play Dom3.

And I dont remember ever pushing a vanilla non-modded game either. If anything quite the opposite. I would accept that I too often mention rpg mods over balance mods but thats just my preference for the style of game.
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