Re: Terrible Player.
On Topic
Iry, I think we all actually appreciate the reports on your progress. Sometimes it becomes hard for most of us to remember what it was like to play Dominions for the first time. Reading about experience is really a highlight of my day. Thanks.
I'm currently educating a friend on how to play the game. In many respects they have some of the same problems you have. A lot of people are throwing advice around. I think my best advice so far to my friend has been this:
The core of the game is the grimoire. The magic system trumps all. In the end, your skill level is almost entirely dependent on your knowledge of the spells. After that it becomes a matter of solid tactics, resource management, and a whole lot of luck.
That said, good luck to you and happy hunting.
Disease Discussion
Burden of Time makes disease twice as effective. Again, one year adds only one point of damage, not 12.
It might make sense to some people that magical aging would mirror actual ageing, but I think it makes more sense in its current form. I don't think of it as a manipulation of space/time, but rather a weakening or withering of the body. If it was a manipulation of time, then Burden of Time and Decay should rightly be astral magic, not death.