Originally Posted by Seve82
Originally Posted by MaxWilson
It's also high encumbrance IIRC and low Prot. Soul Vortex is nice and all, but it's mainly an anti-chaff spell and really, there are other ways to get regen and 0 net encumbrance that don't have such a high opportunity cost. Plus, relying only on Soul Vortex is an invitation to get skelly-spammed to death.
I guess the question I should be asking is: what commanders/equipment setups do you think would benefit from Bone Armor? I could maybe see it on a Tartarian or a Cyclops because they tend to have Earth magic for Prot, don't need Ethereal, and doubled HP on a Cyclops (let alone a Tartarian) is enough to survive Gifts From the Heavens!
Bone armor gives 100% extra hp? Never tried that armor cuz soulvort alone with high prize is crappy armor.
Ice Devils. They have high natural protection, low encumbrance and pretty high health. Should be a perfect candidate for bone armor. And if you give them just about any reinvigoration item, skelly spam shouldn't kill them.
Soul vortex will allow a commander to drain more than his max life, is how it is doubling the hp.