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Old December 20th, 2009, 07:37 PM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Your Top 10 Super Combatant Builds

Originally Posted by Seve82 View Post
Originally Posted by MaxWilson View Post
It's also high encumbrance IIRC and low Prot. Soul Vortex is nice and all, but it's mainly an anti-chaff spell and really, there are other ways to get regen and 0 net encumbrance that don't have such a high opportunity cost. Plus, relying only on Soul Vortex is an invitation to get skelly-spammed to death.

I guess the question I should be asking is: what commanders/equipment setups do you think would benefit from Bone Armor? I could maybe see it on a Tartarian or a Cyclops because they tend to have Earth magic for Prot, don't need Ethereal, and doubled HP on a Cyclops (let alone a Tartarian) is enough to survive Gifts From the Heavens!

Bone armor gives 100% extra hp? Never tried that armor cuz soulvort alone with high prize is crappy armor.
Ice Devils. They have high natural protection, low encumbrance and pretty high health. Should be a perfect candidate for bone armor. And if you give them just about any reinvigoration item, skelly spam shouldn't kill them.

Soul vortex will allow a commander to drain more than his max life, is how it is doubling the hp.
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