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Old December 23rd, 2009, 12:23 PM
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Default Re: EA Oceania PSA: How to not lose on turn 1.

Also, another thing I have yet to see actually used is what occurs to me right off the bat - way, way, way better than an expensive dual bless is KotD with a bit of support magic. Friendly currents/wave breaker drops your enc by 2 bringing you to a net 0 with a modest E4 blessing. Stack on Wooden Warriors (or iron/marble warriors) and that's even better than an E9 blessing. Quickness is much better than a W9 bless. With a support mage or two just a handful of KotD go a long way.

You know whats a much, much nastier idea though? Leveraging the same logic with your extremely affordable, recruit anwhere Triton Princes. Pass out wave breakers, frost brands, lycantrhop amulets, rhime haubriks, etc. drop iron warriors and quickness...and I don't think you really need to think about a blessing at all...but a light blessing is so cheap why wouldn't you? Set up 2-3 castles without even having labs in them - that will easily give you more military strength than you could spit out cap only Knights of the Deep constrained by your dominion score (you can also spit out some bishop fish if you're so inclined). And what's that? You can slap amulets of the fish on them as well? Well damn son, that sounds like if you leverage it properly it looks a hell of a lot like EA Oceana projecting its charateristing early game might onto land.

Does this sound like a prohibitive amount of resources? Well, it's not really. If you nab a couple kelp fortresses all you've got to do is plop up a couple temples. You should have a solid water income and enough earth to spit out a slow but steady stream of dwarven hammers. Those very low upkeep triton princes steadily pile up along with a pile of 3 gem frost brands, demon whips, amulet of the fish, and lycanthrop amulets (stacks very nicely with a light nature bless). For the special forces needs you shouldn't have any trouble whatsoever outfitting some of them with rhime haubriks, wave breakers, lead shields, etc.

Now, with all that in mind consider what it looks like to have a dozen of these guys with some mages dropping quickness, iron warriors, iron will (if you're fighting R'yleh). Stack on a few more tasty boosts from whatever light blessing you go with...naaaasty.

Yeah, it's an uphill fight as Oceana, but you could have some fun with something like this.
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