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Old December 24th, 2009, 02:50 PM

LumenPlacidum LumenPlacidum is offline
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Default RAFT - Late Age (Game Over!)

Random Anonymous Fixed Teams

Having been eliminated from my first RAND game, and wishing for one of the more interesting formats to be proposed after the Noobs Vs. Vets series, I'd like to post a new game.

Team game. Teams of 3 players. Each team will have at least one experienced player. Teams are selected in the beginning.

Nations will be randomly distributed, 3 to a team. Not entirely random, since we'll avoid having all the best nations on one team. But, mostly random.

Your team will select who wants to play each of the 3 nations given to them, but outside of your team, no one will know who's playing what! People will not know what nations are on which team, either, although they may be able to figure that out through observing interactions.

There will be NO DIPLOMACY between different teams. We're all in it to go for the win for our teams.

We will be using the following settings:
Starting provinces per player: 1
Magic site frequency: 40
Strength of Independents: 7
Money/Resource/Supply multiple: normal (100%)
Common random events
No score graphs
Hall of fame: 15
Standard magic research
No commander renaming (to help prevent people from knowing who's who)
Map: Greece Stain
Number of players: teams of 3, 6 teams (i.e. 18 players)
Mods: CBM 1.6

So, don't select a nation, since they'll be assigned to your team. Feedback on the game's settings would be good, especially if there are any nation combos that should be avoided.

Team/Players List (Team leaders are first listed):
Team 1
Alpine Joe

Team 2

Team 3
Septimius Severus
Dark Kitty

Team 4

Team 5

Team 6

That's all folks! But, if anyone drops, then the following people have priority:
*Dr. Praetorious

Last edited by LumenPlacidum; May 31st, 2010 at 01:02 PM.. Reason: game over!
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