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Old December 24th, 2009, 07:45 PM
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Default Re: Exploit question

Originally Posted by Kuritza View Post
Did you, per chance, play DotA in WCIII? Good players tend to play in closed, or semi-closed, leagues - because playing with leavers and feeders who compose majority of public games is just not fun.
At the risk of sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong - this explains so much! DotA has the absolute worst community I have ever experience in a MP computer game, and that's saying quite a bit. If you don't play your character the way the other players expect you to you'll generally be derided as a newb and looser in the most derisive pubescent terminology, most likely followed by a vote to kick you. Heaven forbid you pick a skill that 'everyone knows' is sub optimal, or try out a character you haven't played before in a random pickup game. The game was kind of fun, but I couldn't stand the community - even when you're winning its just no fun to have harpies abrasively second guessing you every time you make the slightest mistake. This explains a lot about your positions Kuritza, you come from a very different world with different expectations about gaming and appropriate behavior.
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