Re: Can Mammoths trample horses?
Also keep in mind that mistform units don't appear to take the 1 damage if they dodge the trample, but merely get moved around a bit. I think that they still get the -2 def penalty per trample attempt for the rest of that round (i.e. -2 def every time they are attacked in 1 round) but damn is it nice to not take ANY damage from trampling until they are successful. Just make sure to stack up that def on the mistform units as I've seen one just disappear when his def finally runs out. I forget if he took 1 damage and lost mistform when he got trampled successfully the first time, but I imagine that's how it'd work (and then he gets squashed on the next successful trample). This was 1 vanjarl vs. 12+ elephants so there were many, many trample attempts.