I guess you win the prize, best explanation
ps : oh, and might I ask what is it you take? I'd like some of it
Originally Posted by MaxWilson
Originally Posted by Swan
How can -6% be good?
-6% luck is good because that means 6% of the time your enemies will do negative damage to you, i.e. they'll heal you instead of hurting you. It's obviously much better to have high negative luck. For instance, if you have Faithful, a lucky coin, and trick the combat AI into casting Personal Luck on top (you need to make him a communion slave and have the master cast Personal Luck since the mage refuses to cast it on himself because he's already lucky) you'll have 150% luck, which gets inverted as noted because it's a signed byte to become 256 - 150 = -106% luck. Basically you have unlimited hitpoints and can only be killed by Healing Light or Song of Healing, or your own Soul Vortex. You can still be banished to Inferno/Cocytus though so watch out for blood nations.
Also, watch out for the Doom Horrors. The "Curse Luck" weapon that some Doom Horrors (Kurgi? Umor? not sure offhand) doesn't just ignore negative luck like it ignores normal luck, it actually turns it imaginary. So you'd go from having -106% luck to sqrt(-106) = 10.3i% luck, which means a roughly 10% chance on every hit to become imaginary and disappear forever. This is especially bad for a pretender because it's an automatic dom-kill.