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Old December 27th, 2009, 02:39 PM

Maerlande Maerlande is offline
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Default Re: Forge of Godhood - started

I'm very sorry Jarkko. QM has come back and is taking control of Abysia. I was away for the 2 day Christmas break with limited access to the forums. Also I had assumed that QM was watching the timer. Again, that's my fault. When I left on the 24th things looked pretty good.

I should have set the timer to 96 hours before I left. Again, I apologize. I'll talk to QM. I think we should have a roll back for this one.

I am no longer playing in this game. Having switched nations once to try to resolve the substitution problem I don't feel comfortable rejoining. I have too much inside knowledge I shouldn't have. I also strictly limited my Abysia play to regency. Hold in place and keep the nation ready for QM.

So to sum up, I've tried hard to help the game keep going and feel quite bad about the mistake causing 3 stales.

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