Maerlande, apology accepted. You made an excellent effor to keep the game going when it was near to collapse, and I value that very much.
Besides, I've had a few hours to cool down from the shock I got this morning, and it is clear to me these things happen. Water udner the bridge now, and all that
Originally Posted by Maerlande
I'll talk to QM. I think we should have a roll back for this one.
There is only one thing I hate more (in Dominions, that is) than staling, and that is roll-backs. I for one wouldn't want to see that happen. Simply put, too much information has been revealed to those who did not suffer from this misunderstanding, and it wouldn't be fair to mess their game. Besides, nothing seriously bad happened to Pangaea due to the stale (except C'tis succeeded to take one of my capitals, but C'tis is nearly dead anyway (

)), so lets keep moving on