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Old December 29th, 2009, 03:27 AM

LumenPlacidum LumenPlacidum is offline
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Default Re: RAFT - Late Age (preliminary planning and recruitment)

First, Amonchakad, I'm sorry but we have enough players who were not team leaders. If it should come to pass that anyone doesn't pull through from their initial entry, then you'll get first shot at their spot.

With FAJ, we have 6 people who are team leaders (Baalz, Fantomen, FAJ, Grijalva, Kojusoki, and Sir_Dr_D). Very sorry, Dr. Praetorious. Again, if anyone doesn't pull through in their commitment for the game, I'd love to have you aboard as a team leader.

In both cases, if there's anyone who isn't sure that they really want to do this, then say so now, because either person would, I'm sure, be happy to take your spot.

The players list is:

Other players:
Alpine Joe
Dark Kitty
Septimius Severus

If there are any people who have specific teammate preferences, please let me know. This is one of the not-necessarily-random parts of the game's construction. If you have no preference, then you will be placed with others in an attempt to balance out some of your experience.

With regards to the map choice, I've been generating random maps with ParadoxHarbinger's wrapping map generator, looking for ones that have acceptable distributions of terrain. If anyone has any suggestions for a good 3-person-team map that could be moderately balanced, then please make your suggestions. Once teams are selected, then I will send out the random nations to everyone. I will assume that there are no particular objections to any LA nations.

I would like any team preferences to be in by Wednesday evening. I will form the teams late on Wednesday and send out nation assignments to your teams. You will have time to select a build for your god and communicate with your team while we make our final decisions on the map. I want the game to open on Friday night.
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