Re: RUNNING: First Newbie game, let's discuss how we proceed here
You don't need to do anything. The last 2h file you sent to the llamaserver will be used.
Except, of course, for the 2 who staled.
Or if you sent in the new turn before it was rolled back. Then you need to send the old 2h file back in, or play the rolled back turn and send a 2h file for that.
Don't worry about deleting the 2h file unless dominions crashes when we finally get a new turn. If it does, just delete the old 2h file and then play the new turn as normal.
The llamaserver knows nothing about what you've done, just what you've sent in. And your local dominions only knows what's in the trn file from the llamaserver and what it's written to the 2h. The only problem is when they don't match.
What I believe happens there is that dominions stores the turn number in both the trn and 2h files. If you have a 2h file for a different turn it just gets deleted. If you have one from the same turn it gives you the "continue or redo" option. If they are the same turn number, but the turn was rolled back it gets confused. Maybe there are orders for dead commanders or new recruits have different id numbers, whatever. Something has changed and it can't make sense of it. I don't know if this always happens in this situation or not.
You might even get to the Continue or Redo prompt and be able to pick Redo, I can't remember when it crashed.
If that confused you, ignore it unless dominions crashes when we get a new turn.