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Old December 30th, 2009, 03:07 PM
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Default Re: Running – Operation Anchorage Seven Players MA Game on Bering

Thanks for hanging in there Leberjack. Too bad the timing didn't work out for us to be allied (for a variety of reasons), as it looks like I'm next on the double-team hit parade. Though you did buy me a lot of time to get in plenty of research, etc.. Not enough to survive, likely, but enough to lay some hurt down I hope.

OK, SciencePro. Just let me know which month when that NAP expires.

Thunderbird, you ready to make it formal too? Or will you guys keep "anonymously" attacking my capital (yes, Domes let you know someone tried to mess with you), and sending spies and assassins into my lands under cover of 'peace'?

I'll be waiting...
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