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Old December 31st, 2009, 11:56 AM

Charles22 Charles22 is offline
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Ummm, I can't remember what the difference between the free and full versions are, as the main idea I had in mind was to improve it somewhat, but also to show a bit of appreciation for having the free one for so long and how it's been also worked on so much.

Having said all of that, I know I didn't have this particular option before the complete version came out, and maybe they added it onto the free one too, but for my money being able to resize the map to much larger proportions VERY easily before each battle, and have it always be made to that size without further adjustments, is I so choose, makes a HUGE amount of difference. Frankly I got so tired of tha everybody fights in a box feel to the game, at least the campaigns, where the height of the screen was no more than like 120 hexes (with the overwhelming majority being 40-80 hexes in height - at least SPWAW was that bad), that I think I would had stopped playing entirely otherwise. I also can shrink the width of the screen to where the battle comes quicker. All of this means I play the game on like 200 X 130 screen and it makes the game with basically the same amount of forces I choose before, much more interesting, as there's enough height to the map that helping out weak points takes much longer to get there, therefore making using your brain while playing this much more necessary.

Anyway, I can't tell you for sure you have the extra map capabilities (even on campaigns) on the full version as opposed to the free one, but if you think it's just about resolution I think you're quite mistaken. Yes, the extra options may not still be worth $40 to you, but to me the ease of re-sizing the map alone makes what may had been something I didn't want to play anymore, into something I'll at least kick around every now and then, and to me that's worth $40.

You just don't know the horrors I had out of playing SPWAW and so many of it's campaign battles being shrunk down to a mere 20-40 height hexes. Supposedly you could get into a campaign and save it, and then modify the map, but that's none too easy and I couldn't get it to work, and to make matters worse you had to do that for every battle!!! Not so with full version winSPWW2.

Something else I thought about that used to drive me crazy about SPWAW. Some goon or somebody over there must had convinced their staff that EXTREME lack of visibility in SUMMER conditions was a good thing, because the visibility was often extremely poor. Guess what? In winSPWW2 that is not the case at all. Their visibility was always pretty darn good, better than SPWAW's anyway, but you can easily change that on-the-fly with a simple click if one of their battles has visibility to your disliking. Again, I can't guarantee the free version doesn't have that as well, but playing games where your map size and visibility are all but inalterable are quite large reasons to buy full version if indeed the free version doesn't have these options.

Last edited by Charles22; December 31st, 2009 at 12:05 PM..
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