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Old December 31st, 2009, 02:14 PM
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Default Re: RAFT - Late Age (map selection and pretender design)

Originally Posted by LumenPlacidum View Post
That sounds like a good idea, Sir_Dr_D. Please, everyone name your pretenders the same name as your nation.

I just finished adding starts to the GreeceStain map. Lots of colors, wraparound, and the convoluted nature of correspondence between real countries and the map's analogs WILL ensure that I do not remember who's who.

Er, how do I post the .map file to llamaserver so that it will use it? This is the last step. After this, I will make a game on llamaserver and people can start posting pretenders. How about we start on Saturday? Can everyone manage that?
From what I recall of Llamaserver, assuming the image file for the map is already on the server you can upload the modified .map file either when you create the game or before hand through the same create game link (without having to actually create the game). It is important that the .map file point to the exact filename of the image file as currently exists on the server, if not you'll be prompted to upload another copy of the image file as well. The image file cannot have any spaces in the filename, whilst I believe the .map file can. You may wish to post a snapshot of the map image or link to it for player reference on the opening post, but of course you will not want to link to the modified .map in any event.

Be harmonious, enrich the soldiers, and scorn all other men.
-Emperor Septimius Severus, to his sons shortly before his death, quoted in Dio Cassius (77.15.2).
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