Originally Posted by Xanatos
No, for the rerolled turn. I had seen the rerolled turn and resubmitted that turn file before reading the forums and also before getting the new turn file for the turn we didnt do (due to the reroll) so im still good, right? since I never changed turn files?
Yeah, my understanding is you should be fine.
I get that we rolled back because two people staled, but are we waiting til sunday just so they can stale again? Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought Yskonen and Caelum were back a couple of days ago. When he gets his turn in we are only waiting for one more and then force host, right?
I guess what I'm asking is - does that player, whoever he or she is, even realize we're waiting for only two players, and not the whole lot of us?
Or did I get into someone's crazy pills?
Happy New Year!