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Old January 1st, 2010, 05:47 PM
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Default Re: Mega-Dueling Tournament - Rules, Settings, Check List, and Sign Ups

Yeah, I also tend to agree with MB. According to my one game only experience playing with you (Artifacts) I think that one of your major strengths is super optimal openings. Then add to that the pure awesomness of being probably the topmost dominions strategy expert. And last, I have 0 blitz experience and my skill set is probably heavily based on regular dominions MP - So yeah, I think you have an advantage here
That said, I'm certain that it would indeed be very interesting to see how this plays out.
Naturaly, the final outcome will probably also be effected by (in game) luck and our nation picks (some nations have rock, scisor, paper relations).
Also, whether or not the nations we've picked be public knowledge will make a big difference.

AoE, Baalz, Thanks for your approval for posting video captures.

LDiCesare, thanks for the tip. I D/Led camstudio and already captured my first battle. It's making it way slowly to my you tube channel
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