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Old January 1st, 2010, 06:09 PM
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Default Re: Mega-Dueling Tournament - Rules, Settings, Check List, and Sign Ups

Originally Posted by Zeldor View Post
Hmm... why do you want to go with different nations anyway? It'd be more fair to use same nation. X vs X, ex. Ashdod vs Ashdod. Nation for each round could be random. It's quite easy to clone nation with a mod afaik.
It's more fair? but is it more fun?- Is it more interesting?

Currently, This is kinda like the free all style fights, you know, like UFC and MMA. It helps answer not whose the best player neto but who is most deadly when wielding nation X. There's close corelation between the two but they're not neccerily the same answer.
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