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Old January 2nd, 2010, 02:54 PM
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Default Re: Mega-Dueling Tournament - Rules, Settings, Check List, and Sign Ups

Well, it's a matter of opinion I guess, but 15 provinces per player is pretty cramped for 1 on 1 which tilts the game towards very early fighting. You're probably going to encounter each other (and start fighting) early year one which makes the only viable strategies rush strats. Duels I play on generally have 40-50 provinces total, and as I mention they are usually decided before all the indies are conquered. With heavy fighting guaranteed inside year one its going to be all but impossible for many nations to face something like triple blessed Neifelheim. Giving just the few more turns it'll take to close on a larger map makes a lot more interested strategies viable IMO. The dynamic for duels is different, its not been my experience that 50 provinces mean 2 nations of 25 provinces duking it out, its more like one guy with 12 provinces and another with 20 maneuvering about with a bunch of unconquered indies that nobody has the time to get now.
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