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Old January 2nd, 2010, 07:57 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Mega-Dueling Tournament - Rules, Settings, Check List, and Sign Ups

68 is simply too large. This could easily turn into a 70+ turn game should one nation go fort building, which would push the conclusion of the tourney into 2070.

Additionally, with easy research this strongly tilts the game.

Smaller maps will tilt it toward rush nations - but thats ok - we all know it and can take whatever precautions we feel are necessary. However it also has the salutary benefit of making shorter games.

I'd look for a map of ~40 ish territories, max. I'd vote for vfb's or silent - and I do think there should be map choice involved so as to make the water nations viable.
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