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Old January 3rd, 2010, 02:23 PM
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Default Re: Mega-Dueling Tournament - Rules, Settings, Check List, and Sign Ups

Originally Posted by WraithLord View Post
Silent seas is ok but I think an all land map would be better suited for the tourney.
I'm curious why you feel that was as I feel the opposite. No water reduces strategic options and removes one of the native advantages of several nations skewing the power even more towards those nations with first rate straightforward ground troop - Neifelheim, Mictlan, Lanka, etc. Having water is going to give a bit to Agartha, Atlantis, Patala, Marignon, etc. who are generally much lower on the power curve, and with the ratios its not like you could win without also winning on the land. If the matchup is between two nations poorly suited to water it'll probably mostly be ignored, though any nation could consider the water when designing their pretender. It just seems like the presence of water would lend itself to richer strategies.
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