Originally Posted by Tollund
Rollbacks require that you redo the next turn from scratch. If you don't, then weirdness happens every single time.
I was discussing this with Xanatos via PM. I guess I keep a closer eye on the forums than some (having begun my dominions career as a lurker here), and did nothing with the turns that we rolled back on. He gets the turn and does it, which should not be a problem. The results of our battles have not changed, but some details did, not because of a bug, just random randomness. One of his big Niefel Jarls was killed on the turn we first rolled back. In the do-over, he retreated and survived. Xanatos had done the next turn already before realising we were rolling back and had orders in his .2h file saved. If it had happened the other way around and the Jarl survived the first and died the second, there would have been orders in his .2h file for a dead unit, and may have crashed then.
I really am new to this stuff, but maybe if we can all agree to move our existing .trn and .2h files to a new folder (emptying the davidandgoliath folder completely), then wait for llamaserver to send out the turn we roll back to, and all of us go on from there, we might be OK?
Before we do that though, we need to think about whether we need to roll back 1

or 2 turns