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Old January 4th, 2010, 12:41 PM
Mardagg Mardagg is offline
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Default Re: Nations under CBM 1.6

Thats debatable.

Oceania has to defend vs the squids,e.g. vs teleporting sc mind lords.
Agartha probably has a lot of "safe" land terrain until the squids can amass amulets of the fish.So,with Ag you will wage the war almost exclusivle in enemy terrain.
Also I consider the risen oracle the perfect choice for EA Agartha as already mentioned above,bc u can take T3S3H3L3 easily with Ag.
That alone makes EA Agartha a v strong force early on in the water.
U still need luck for the starting position though.
So probably Oceania is a tad better vs the squids .
But my point is: EA Agartha is strong in the water and decent on land= pretty good nation on most maps especially when there is only 1 water nation.

Last edited by Mardagg; January 4th, 2010 at 12:48 PM..
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