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Old January 4th, 2010, 01:48 PM
Mardagg Mardagg is offline
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Default Re: Nations under CBM 1.6

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid View Post
Originally Posted by Mardagg View Post
Thats debatable.

I consider the risen oracle the perfect choice for EA Agartha as already mentioned above,bc u can take T3S3H3L3 easily with Ag.
T3 with gold-hungry Agartha? I think you just lost any authority in this discussion.
lol.u are just an idiot.
U are telling everyone agarthian troops are soo bad,why do you want the gold to produce them?
I mainly need gold for the oracles,which are cap only,and earth readers which are cheap.The rest is chaff,much needed,but just cannonfodder.10g11r 2 map move amphibian chaff.
Now,tell me,why do i need O3 here?
I got the idea from someone who won a big MP game here on the forum with EA Agartha,He took the line T3S2H3L3M1,death -1 AFAIK.
I read his AAr several months ago and tried that a lot in SP.
U take awake super Sc immortal pretender Risen oracle with something like S4E4D4 and v high dom.I took T3S2H3L3G0M1 though,dont like death scale.
I want gems for my v good national summons,not only Umbrals,but also Magma childs(to be backed by E4 or E5 mages) and Earth Elementals( v good for water fights).
How do i get many gems?
By taking turmoil+luck+magic combo.
Also you get some luck events most of the time to compensate for lack of gold at the start.
Try it before judging.

I stomb the AI in no time there,simply alone bc my Pretender stomps him.He is nearly unstoppable at around turn 5 already.
Mind you,thats dom2 style,where it was a lot more common to see strong starting pretenders.
I feel home there since i am a Dom2 vet,probably having a lot more MP victories under my belt there than you in DOm3.
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