And I hate your false familiarity and your assumption that I haven't tried these nations. If you make ridiculous claims, expect not to be taken seriously.
Now, clearly EA Rlyeh didn't know what he was doing since he brought lobo guards and mindblasters to a fist fight. I'd take indie tritons over both of those for that fight. Or Slave Trolls, who should mop the floor with both your earth elementals and your troops. Heck, as EA Rlyeh I'd be tempted to take Slave Trolls in general since they give you a way to project power onto land early.
Out of curiosity, what did his mages cast?
And EA Rlyeh often has dom 9-10 on a kraken, which in their case isn't a terrible idea since CBM 1.6 removed the need to have air on its pretender. A dom 10 kraken could have wiped your army *by itself*. Dom 10 similarly tends to imply no problems with dominion.
I have played EA Agartha, repeatedly, in SP, and its the only nation where the AI has given me a hard time. Even such crappy nations as Eriu and Machaka outperform them trivially against the AI. I have not had the opportunity to play them in MP, mostly because while I like playing underdogs they simply are not worth the pain.
As to your other 'points' - (1) There are other sea nations, both of whom are better suited to smashing you than Rlyeh is. EA Oceania is the dominant EA sea nation, and they run you over better than either Rlyeh or Atlantis. (2) Yes, Umbrals are good. They're the only thing Agartha has going for it. And standard UD counters apply. I was one of the people arguing for Umbrals to be returned to Conj 5 (from the Conj 7 they were in CBM 1.5) so that EA Agartha wasn't simply DOA.
I was asking seriously if you do have any MP experience with these nations,which you havent

You know what,i suck with Sauromatia.
I still wont ever claim that they are bad,just bc their playing concept doesnt get into my mind in SP games.
He did have lots of tritons and troopers mixed in.
I was better in research,so i had advantage at start.That changed later on though and still didnt do anything.
Lol @ DOm 10 Kraken wiping me out.
I got a dozen smiters and moreso of frozenheart spammers,thats how i killed his pretender in the end anyways.Alteration synergized v well with my pretender build.
I agree though,that his pretender build(imprisoned void Lurker S8 and some other paths+low dom) was suboptimal.
To your points regarding my other points:
(1)as i already stated to Sombre,Oceania being better suited vs the Squids is debatable .Agartha,having lots of provinces on land normally,is practically immune to any serious counter attacks by the squids until quite some time.Whereas oceania is vulnerable to e.g. teleporting Mind lords quite early.
What i am saying is,basically a land nations with easy access to water has big advantage in a battle vs a water nation with vv tough access to land,after all,all mind blasters are aquatic,no?
In other words,u cant lose the war,just stalemate as worst case.
(2) at least we agree on Umbrals.
What about the magma childs and earth elementals?