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Old January 4th, 2010, 08:21 PM
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GrudgeBringer GrudgeBringer is offline
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Default EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:


I would like players that either have taken 'The Good Player Pledge' or have the ability to play 'to the bitter end'.

We will be starting with 24 Hour turn intervals until I start getting requests to make them longer...(but I want to stress this game WILL give liberal extensions to keep anyone from staling if possible)

Nations & Players

Ulm -Augusti
Arco -GrudgeBringer
Marverni -ghoul31
Yomi -Tollund
Argatha -Squirrelloid
C'tis -Dark Kitty
Ermor -RadiaGibbon
Kalisia -Stattis
Tir-a-Nog -Apsophos
Abysia -Frozen Lama

We will be using the Shariver Map by Sombre 168 land and 12 water provinces. (Link will be up shortly)

There will be NO water expansion or entering the water for any reason.

We are using CBM 1.6

Frozen Lama just put up a CORRECTED link to the map in the game forum and I have one at the bottom of the page.

The Name of the game is officially Landlubber

Last edited by GrudgeBringer; January 6th, 2010 at 11:13 PM.. Reason: update
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