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Old January 5th, 2010, 07:28 AM

Agusti Agusti is offline
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Default Re: RUNNING: First Newbie game, let's discuss how we proceed here

Originally Posted by Yskonyn View Post
I just wanted to point out that the game thinks Pangaea and Caelum may be cheating because of some unexpected increase in wealth. I am not sure what did this, but as me being Caelum I can ASSURE you all that I am NOT cheating. It must have got something to do with the rollback or something.
I've seen these messages a lot of times and don't mean you're cheating, maybe you've had a couple of very good events, for example

I don't know if this issue with the IDs is affecting your game or not, but for me has been a very bad one "event" because I've lost a very important unit and all its magical items (20-30 gems).

A mess.
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