Originally Posted by Mardagg
I actually think Machaka is stronger now bc of this.
Still not a top nation,but playable imo.
Just spam fire drakes with your fire random dragon mastered sorcerers and you got some good use for your fire/nature gems again.
And Hunter Spiders are cheaper now.
The strength of Machaka was always in my opinion the strong mid-game. They struggle early on in the game, and they quite simply suck late in the game. If Machaka is to do good, to win if you so want to say, they have to steamroll the field in the midgame (after havng survived the early phases somehow).
The Machaka PD is a joke, even with the slight boost seen in CBM 1.6. Thus Machaka is very weak against an early rush (before you have been able to summon fire-drakes to bolster the frontline and crafted enough boosters for your mages to make a difference on the battlefield). Machakan PD is famous for rushing forwards and then be killed by their own missiles... Try it in SP if you want to see the hilariosity.
The midgame is where Machaka can shine. Flaming arrows (althjugh Flaming Arros is tougher to get to in CBM), firedrakes at front, spiders on flanks, evocations. Of course you need lots of firegems to succeed in all that. Firegems which are not available in CBM1.6 anymore.
Late game for Machaka does not exist. The game is over once the SC's enter the field. No endgame for Machaka in vanilla, not in earlier versions of CBM, and not in 1.6. The do or die time for Machaka is the mid-game, and in 1.6 there is no "do" left in that.
@Squirrel: If you honestly think LA Ulm rangers, ghoul guards and x-bowmen are not enough to take you through the early game, then you do need to learn to play the game called Dominions 3