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Old January 5th, 2010, 09:40 PM

Elbmarb Elbmarb is offline
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Default Playing my first MP game as TNN

I'm going to be playing in a newbie game soon as Tir Na n'Og, and I was looking for some advice. I'm a very new player and this will be my first MP game.

I feel moderately confident about the typical battle and big-picture strategies: lots of thunderstrike and lightening spam, stealth attacks with Sidhe Lords with cheap equipment, and other stuff covered in Baalz' Eriu guide. Nonetheless I'm still interested in maybe some aspects of TNN I hadn't considered that might be effective.

My biggest hang-up is the right Pretender to use. Whenever I consider what combination of magic to take to make that certain game-changing item or that certain game-winning spell my head hurts. As far as scales go I am a big fan of having strong ones, especially with Luck. the TNN national hero, Lugh the Long-Handed, is incredible.

I'd appreciate any advice an experienced player can give me so I don't get wiped out my turn 10. If I can make it to turn 20, then great!

By the way, we're playing vanilla, not CBM
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