Originally Posted by vfb
Originally Posted by Mardagg
So first u are telling me the spider is equally good offensive.Now,that u agree the rider has double Number of attack per turn and higher strength for the bite attack,meaning a LOT more offensive power since u are getting swarmed(=battle last quite some time),u just say: no,i am not excited about the spears.
How about saying: Hey,sorry, I was wrong!
Oh, thanks.
Yeah, the Spiders get two attacks too, since the 2nd web attack does not depend on the 1st attack doing damage. So, you see a lot more webs too, in spider form. The higher attack in spider form helps too. Glad you finally agree!
wow,yeah!How could i forgot that.
Now,is totally obvious that they are at the very least equally powerful as the rider.
Wow,man,i suck.you owned me,man,totally.