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Old January 6th, 2010, 02:12 PM

Ink Ink is offline
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Default Re: Thinking about playing player-vs-player?

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker View Post
Ive been all for IRC from its earliest beginnings on Internet. But I personally dont feel comfortable in direct-typing environments. Altho Ive often been asked to by friends and by work, I dont list IM or Skype or ICQ links for me. Ive often pushed for companies I work for to include live-chat support. When Im forced to OP I do so but quickly arrange for someone else to take it.

I often type dyslexic, and then Im too ADD and I hit enter too quick. I spell atrociously. My wording is often confusing when it first comes out. And my real-life #1 commitment often forces me to leap from my chair which in the middle of a conversation can make people quite angry with me. Im much better off in email or forums where I can read and edit over and over and over. I know you can see it in my posts here also but believe me its much worse in live chat.

For the many of the same reasons is based my love of this game. I avoid TBS games and dont group in online worlds. I need to be able to jump up, wander off, or mistype then correct it in order to be comfortable.
you just described about everyone on the dom3 IRC channel.
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