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Old January 6th, 2010, 02:34 PM

Calchet Calchet is offline
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Default Re: Chaos Daemon Sprites

Looking at the examples in the most recent Daemons of Chaos army book, Daemonettes come in many different colours - most have approximately Caucasian skin colours, most pale but some tanned, with hair dyed in mostly shades of purple or pink. A few have skin going towards pink or even purple as well, but that seems to be an exception rather than a rule.

The Liber Chaotica describes them as follows, though leaving out the detail of skin colour.

They are similar to each other in form, although the details vary from one to the other. They are tall with pale skins and delicate features. Their faces, torsos and upper thighs are like those of beautiful women, but their similarity to humanity ceases there, as their arms end in chitinous claws or serrated spines. Similarly, their otherwise shapely legs end in claws or cloven hooves, and some of them posses narrow tails that writhe and snap like long curling whips. Many of them bear tattoos of strange swirling patterns and, of course, their Master's rune.

Their bared torsos and uncovered loins boast of their unreined lust, while the soft pastels and porcelain white of their skin belie the darkness that hides within them.
Involved in:
Pax Malazica, bringing the Malazan Empire to Dominions 3.
Fate/Sprite Works, a mod including my left-over practice sprites as summonable units.
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