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Old January 6th, 2010, 04:34 PM
Squirrelloid Squirrelloid is offline
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Default Re: Chaos Daemon Sprites

Originally Posted by Drok'Slit View Post
I simply use the ones on games-workshop as my material.


the daemonettes look kinda purple pale-ish, but I can see about the shading to make them more pale then purple. And as for more naked, well before they were naked but then games-workshop started covering them up with black leather clothing or armor, as you can see.

The horror, on the list there, I used the second to the left one as my material to base my sprite on. He looks pretty fleshy to me. I do though want "pink" horrors to be... well "pink" so what I thought was maybe I can make more sprites for the same unit. The skeletons have multiple sprites and the zombies too, I can make some purple-ish, pink, flesh-tone, and blue so we can have all the colors of a horror.

Same for the plaguebearers, I can try making some different sprites for them.

Daemonettes all seem to look roughly the same so they could have just one sprite and same for bloodletters.

What do you all think?
Go with the old skool (ok, moderately) naked ones. Best looking daemonettes ever. Its not just that they were naked, its that the models were really elegant and yet looked deadly. It was a very good look. This 'demon goth' thing is lame.
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