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Old January 6th, 2010, 05:33 PM
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Default Re: Bless for LA C'tis?

Originally Posted by Viajero View Post
Going to play LA Ctis soon, anyone willing to post some key aspects about it?
Like all versions of C'Tis, their strength is in powerful mages that they can recruit anywhere. City guards and elite warriors are your standard recruitable units, with the occasional sacred serpent thrown in if you don't need to move the army quickly.

1- recommended bless, yes no? the manual sugegsts LE Ctis is not suited for bless? why is that?
The only sacred units LA C'Tis has are sacred serpents and tomb wyrms. Sacred serpents aren't really good enough to be worth investing in a major bless, and tomb wyrms are expensive to reanimate. Your sauromancers are sacred, so they could use a minor earth bless, but don't wear armour, so the earth 9 bless is wasted on them. I'm not sure how the minor death bless interacts with banefire. But not much survives a banefire hit anyways.

2- Main thugs
Bane lords.

3- Key research paths
Enchantment 3 for raise skeletons. Evocation 6 for bane fire. Conjuration 5 for bane lords. Construction 6 for equipping them. Alteration 5 for drain life, alteration 6 for darkness, alteration 8 for disintegrate. Enchantment 6 for rigor mortis.

4- Key units/mages
Sauromancers. Lizard kings if you are fighting Ermor in the early game. Sauromancers who cast wither bones later on. You no longer have access to lizard shaman, so you'll want to find a cheap communion slave for your astral sauromancers.

5- Short, medium, ong term strategies
You have the best and most common death 3 mages around. Use them constantly. You don't have any mages that can easily forge the chalice, cast gift of health, or gift of reason, so you might want to plan for that on your pretender if you plan to make it to the tartarian stage of the game.
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