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Old January 7th, 2010, 10:14 PM

Illuminated One Illuminated One is offline
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Default Re: Bless for LA C'tis?

Originally Posted by Baalz
Hmmm, poison or cold are the two typical ways as they don't kill the soulless who respawn. Poison should work if you got something that has a poison cloud (bog beasts, hydras, etc.) as it'll still do enough damage through the poison resistance. I don't see anything terribly easy for C'tis to get, but you could watch for such opportunities. On the cold front, you could use the cold aura from a bunch of banes, but I'm not sure how well that would work in a heat dominion. Might be a job for the pretender, certainly powerful enough strategy to justify it and would only need to be done every few turns. A frost father pretender has a powerful enough cold aura (particularly if you take a couple levels of W and cast breath of winter) to punch right through a heat dominion, and he brings the aforementioned A for mass flight. On the other vector the mother of monsters brings a poison cloud and potentially the heft to put up gift of nature's bounty pretty early since you're b-lining enchantment (she can drop foul vapors to for a trivial cost). Heh, just make sure the lizard kings don't bless themselves if you've got heavy N on your pretender.
You can make the province cold via spells before.
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