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Old January 8th, 2010, 09:29 PM

Viajero Viajero is offline
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Default Iron Warriors bug?

Hi there, apologies if this has been discussed before I have nt been able to search the forum for this:

Just finished viewing a MP game battle where an enemy (Titan) Tartarian wearing a Displacemnet Armour (Protection 18) with an overall Protection value of 20 or 21 suddenly has it jacked up to 30 following a humble "Iron Warrior" from one of the mages in his party. I know this is due to the Iron Warriors because I tracked turn by turn the Tartarian protection and just afer the Iron Warriors is cast not only his Prot goes up, to 30, but also I could see its Shock Resistence weakened accordingly as the spells says.

Puzzled as as far as I know Iron Warriors only increases protection to 20, or gives a +3 in case Protection was already 20 or higher, correct?

This is CBM 1.6. Anyone has an idea what is going on?
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