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Old January 10th, 2010, 12:51 PM
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Baalz Baalz is offline
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Default Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)

The empire is set upon by what appears to be a dastardly alliance. The emperor has decreed that any with a sense of fair play who step forward to aid us will be rewarded lavishly. The forge lord of Ermor will not forget the allies who came to us in our hour of need.

Ulm and Shinuyama attack in a coordinated strike seeking to overwhelm the empire. They will bleed heinously as they attempt to storm our castles, but they are likely to be successful in keeping the empire from launching a counterattack if the imbalance of forces remains. Any who attack along either of these foul conspiritors' other flanks will find them fully committed to attacking an entrenched and intractable foe who bleeds them mercilessly and will give no quarter. Are there any with a sense of fair play who will step forward? Are there any of a more mercantile bend who would court the favor of the forge lord? The situation in Ermor is far from dire if an ally steps forward now, the forge lord's favor could be valuable indeed. The cry goes out, who will answer?
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