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Old January 10th, 2010, 10:03 PM
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Baalz Baalz is offline
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Default Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)

The goblonoid tribes massed in the wilderness. Barbarian rituals around roaring bonfires they asked for the blessings of their huge fat godling. They screamed for blood and slavered over the lands of the empire. As the legion assembled to crush them like all barbarians before, a knife in the back. The fools in Ulm had allied themselves with the beasts in an attempt to topple the great empire. A daunting host assembled across the border – huge goblins with their mighty bows to the north and thundering corps of black knights leading archers to the south. The time for talking was past, Ermors enemies feared it too much to leave a fair fight. The time for killing was here and it was time to demonstrate why the Ermorian empire was feared from horizon to horizon. Fair fights are for the weak, the legion marched and woe to its foes if they fail to find a killing blow.
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